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Concept of happiness

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Escape all your heart from hatred
2. Escape all your mind from all the worries
3. Live modestly
4. Give more
5. Do not expect too much

Everyone has their own concept of happiness. Anyone can be happy when having a handsome boyfriend,any one was happy when a score test is ugly, and some are happy when he scolded her parents. Ehmm, if according to my own, the concept that there are happy  when I can make someone else smile. Do not know why I'm happy when I can make someone else smile. I feel that when they are smiling, they are happy and able to accept my presence. But you must remember too, happiness can not be obtained by instant ways. You also have to learn that happy is not something that can be stored or can be grasped. Achieving happiness is difficult. Once you get it, you should also be able to release it. Because according to me, happy is air, and happiness is the scent of the air. We are happy to learn that it exists in the heart. The more we catch, the more happiness it would go away from us. The more we tried to reach it, the more it will move away happiness.
Well, my advice is try to find happiness in your heart. Let it settle and lasting flavor in our hearts. Find happiness in every step you do. Probably at work, in a walk, or when you're overwritten problem. Try digging continues so that you can understand "where the way can I be happy?"
Okay that's it from me. It's just the other side of the name "happy". "^ ^




“Sabarmu panjang, tuaianmu ya pasti besar” Begitu kira-kira isi pesan Whatsapp yang saya terima menjelang maghrib dari pacar saya, Si Grace. Hati serasa plong begitu melihat isi pesan tersebut. Serasa ada yang mengingatkan bahwa apa yang saya alami sekarang ini sifatnya hanya sementara. Ya, saya percaya akan ada hal baik yang terjadi di hidup saya sebentar lagi. No excuses, just believe . ********** “ Cepat makan! Sabar juga butuh makan!” sambung si Grace dengan emoji marah. Ah iya saya lupa, sabar juga butuh makan ternyata.

Sambil tak Henti-Hentinya Berharap

Terima kasih atas segala energiku yang kuhabiskan untuk bersabar, berdoa, menunggu, sambil tak henti-hentinya berharap. Terima kasih atas badan ini yang tahan terhadap gempuran angin malam sepulang dari gereja, hujan badai yang deras maupun rintik, panas yang menyengat sambil tak henti-hentinya berharap. Terima kasih atas waktu dan kesempatan yang mempertemukanku dengan partnerku saat ini, yang tak segan dan berani mengajakku yang notabene tidak bisa apa apa ini untuk membuka usaha (semoga lancar kedepannya) sambil tak henti-hentinya berharap. Terima kasih untuk orang orang hebat di belakangku. Mama, Grestikasari, Ojik, Clemen, Gerald dan Papa yang menempaku untuk hebat sambil tak henti-hentinya berharap. Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus, Terima kasih Semesta, Terima kasih Harapan, Sambil tak henti-hentinya berharap. Surabaya, 19 Februari 2019 Kaospolosclub Office Jl. Ngagel Jaya Barat No.33